With reduced opportunities to interact and socialize physically, we are experiencing upward pressure on our stress and downward pressure on our productivity. At the same time, the latest studies in neuroscience show how the human brain’s greatest potential for growth and change lies within mindfulness: the act of recognizing all feelings— including stress —to live in the present and envision the solutions.
As practicing mindfulness is proven to improve communication skills and increase collaboration, Mindful Creativity: Embracing a Visualization Vocabulary will explore how to develop a vocabulary toolkit to help guide our thoughts and feelings towards positive motivations and goals.
To help reduce stress and improve focus, Columbia University Club of London (CUCL) and the Columbia Alumni Club of Denmark have partnered with the Columbia University Enterprise Risk Management program to offer a unique mindfulness workshop.
The event will be lead by Rajiah Leong ('02BC, '12SPS), an associate faculty member for Columbia's Enterprise Risk Management M.S. program and Founder of Hygge Hooga, a mindfulness firm focused on joyful awareness. Leong is also a referral partner for the Search Inside Yourself Leadership Institute.