November 16, 2020

Columbia Connects Quiz and Giving Day Update

We are halfway through autumn. The mercury is dropping along with all the leaves. The days are gradually becoming shorter. And as the country navigates its second lockdown, we know this is going to be an unusual season. 

To help fight off the doldrums we are replaying our Columbia Connects quiz next Saturday, 21st of November at 4pm GMT (details below). We’re opening this up to all Columbia alumni, so please invite your friends from around the world. This event is online but fully interactive with a leaderboard to help keep score (and get the competitive juices flowing). 

We are also working on a few other events to close out the year, so stay tuned. 

As we aim to limit our email newsletter to once a month, please make sure you’re connected on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and our growing members only Slack community for updates and the latest information on all our activities.

Lastly, for anyone curious on the latest regarding the University’s policies, guidelines and actions in regard to Covid, please visit:

Do reach out at [email protected] if you need anything. 

Courtney and Stephen


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Giving Day 2020

It's our pleasure to announce the CAA 2020 Giving Day winner for International club is Columbia University Club of London! London donated a total of $22,645 and we had an increase of gifts by 112.96% over 2019. Thank you to all who made a contribution. Your donation will help Columbia remain at the forefront of education and research. 

To celebrate this achievement, CAA is hosting a virtual tour of the campus in partnership with Untapped New York. We will be scheduling this in the first half of 2021, so stay tuned.

November Events


Quiz Redux 2020 | November 21 @ 16:00 GMT

Join alumni from across the country, our neighbours in Europe, and friends in the United States for a cordial competition and camaraderie.

  • 4:00pm Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)
  • 5:00pm Central European Time (CET)
  • 8:00pm Gulf Standard Time (GST)
  • 11:00 am Eastern Time (ET)

Questions will range from Columbia University trivia to general topics and culture. 

Other Events

Connecting Meaningfully in a Virtual World

November 19, 2020 | 11:00 a.m. (ET) / 4:00 p.m. (GMT)

All alumni are welcome to connect with UK-based SIPA students and alumni by joining Josefine Roos MIA '11, CEO, Roos&Shine and Daniel Perdomo-Rodriguez MPA '11, SIPA Regional Ambassador in London, for a conversation on establishing and maintaining meaningful connections in a virtual world.

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